I won the court hearing yesterday. The attempt by the Watchtower Society to have portions of my affidavit struck down was unsucessfull. Four days have been set aside for the next Court Hearing, April 25, 26, 27, 28 at Queens Bench Court House, Calgary, Alberta. This next Court Hearing is the BIG one. All the Watchtower lawyers from Canada will be there either as Defendants or representing Defendants including all the defendants and Watchtower reps involved in the case. If they succeed, my lawsuit will be thrown out. IT is imperative that I get as many persons to support the protest rally as possible. The more persons at the rally, the more media coverage. The more media coverage, the more likely the Judge will decide in my favour and allow this lawsuit to go to trial. If this case goes to trial, it will be the most publicized trial in Canadian history. Please let me know if you can attend. Please use the email address below for this and feel free to give it out to others . Thanks. Please spread the word. [email protected] Lawrence